All abstracts by Moritz F. Lehmann at Goldschmidt2013
(2013) Changes in Amino Acid Nitrogen Isotopic Composition Patterns during Phytoplankton Degradation
Carstens D, Schubert CJ, Deek A & Lehmann MF |
(2013) Toxic Effects of Butyl Elastomers on Aerobic Methane Oxidation
Niemann H, Steinle LI, Blees JH, Krause S, Bussmann I, Treude T & Lehmann MF |
(2013) Methanotrophic Bacteria Drive Seasonal Anoxia and the Formation of a Benthic Nepheloid Layer in a Deep Alpine Lake
Blees J, Niemann H, Wenk CB, Zopfi J, Veronesi M, Schubert CJ & Lehmann MF |
(2013) Oceanographic Control on Methane Oxidation in the Water Column Offshore Svalbard
Steinle L, Graves C, Berndt C, Feseker T, Lehmann M, Treude T & Niemann H |
(2013) Sulphur Driven Denitrification Dominates N-Removal in the Water Column of Lake Lugano
Zopfi J, Wenk CB, Schweighoffer D, Blees J, Niemann H & Lehmann MF |