All abstracts by Dejan Prelević at Goldschmidt2013
(2013) The Role of Ultramafic Veins in Mafic Alkaline Magmatism: Contrary Evidence from Continental Intra-Plate Settings
Smart K, Tappe S, Stracke A, Romer R & Prelevic D |
(2013) Lawsonite as a Potential Repository of Th and REE in Subduction Zones: Blueschists from Tavşanlı (Turkey)
Wang Y, Prelević D, Foley S, Buhre S, Johnson T & Häger T |
(2013) Os-Isotopes Constraints on the Dynamics of Orogenic Mantle: The Case of Central Balkans
Prelević D, Brügmann G, Barth M, Božović M, Cvetković V & Foley S |
(2013) Carbonate, Not Carbonatite, at Villamayor Volcano (Calatrava Volcanic District, Central Spain)
Lustrino M, Agostini S, Capizzi L, Psarakis M & Prelevic D |