All abstracts by Csaba Szabó at Goldschmidt2013
(2013) Evolution of the Lower Crust in the Point of View of Fluid-Rock Interaction Under the Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field
Németh B, Török K, Kovács I & Szabó C |
(2013) Ancient Fragments in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Aradi LE, Szabó C, Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Griffin W, O'Reilly SY & Hattori K |
(2013) Wehrlitization Processes within the Upper Mantle beneath the Northern Pannonian Basin (Hungary)
Patko L, Aradi LE, Liptai N, Bodnar RJ, Fedele L, Kovács Z, Cesare B, Vaselli O, Fioretti AM, Jeffries T & Szabó C |
(2013) Magma Droplets in Coexisting Olivine and Spinel Phenocrysts Hosted in the Pohang Basalt (South Korea)
Vetlényi EJ, Aradi LE, Szabó C, Zajacz Z & Yang K |
(2013) Inverse Modeling in a CO2 Natural Analogue – Long Term Processes in Carbon Dioxide Storage
Király C, Sendula E, Szamosfalvy Á, Falus G, Szabó C & Forray V |
(2013) Complex Urban Geochemical Analysis of Attic Dust Samples in an Industrial Area, Ajka, Hungary
Völgyesi P, Jordan G, Zacháry D & Szabó C |
(2013) Study of Zsolnay Building Ceramics in Aspect of Deterioration by Environmental Factors
Baricza A, Bajnoczi B, Toth M & Szabo C |
(2013) Integrated Geological and Geophysical Probing of Lithospheric Dynamics in a Young Extensional Basin (Carpathian-Pannonian Region)
Kovács I, Falus G, Szabó C, Kiss J, Fancsik T, Hegedűs E & Pintér Z |
(2013) Insights into a Volatile Rich Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle: Lherzolithe Xenoliths from the Cameroon Volcanic Line, Africa
Pintér Z, Kovács I, Konc Z, Berkesi M, Szabó C, Perucchi A & Patkó L |
(2013) Geochemistry and Crystal Preferred Orientation of Upper Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths from the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
Liptai N, Patkó L, Aradi L, Szabó C, Kovács I, Hidas K, Falus G, Vaselli O, Tommasi A & Barou F |