All abstracts by Andrew Love at Goldschmidt2014
(2014) Extreme Geochemical Environments in Mound Springs of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Shand P, Love A, Gotch T, Raven M, Grocke S, Kirby J & Scheiderich K |
(2014) Dating Groundwater in the Western Great Artesain Basin, Australia
Love A, Purtschert R, Shand P, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Tosaki Y, Fulton S, Wohllng D, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Broder L & Kipfer R |
(2014) Solute and Isotope Tracers of Regional Flow Systems in the Western Great Artesain Basin, Australia
Shand P, Love A & Priestley S |