All abstracts by Mitsuru Ebihara at Goldschmidt2016
(2016) Interactive Evolution of Inorganic and Organic Materials and Water in Comets and Icy Bodies
Nagahara H, Noguchi T, Yabuta H, Itoh S, Sakamoto N, Mitsunari T, Okubo A, Okazaki R, Nakamura T, Tachibana S, Terada K, Ebihara M, Imae N & Kimura M |
(2016) Comprehensive Retrieval of Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Atmospheric Radionuclides Just after the Fukushima Accident by Analyzing Filter-Tapes of Operational Air Pollution Monitoring Stations
Tsuruta H, Oura Y, Ebihara M, Ohara T, Moriguchi Y & Nakajima T |
(2016) Chemical Characteristics of Irghizite: Implications for the Nature of the Projectile
Shirai N, Rabeya A & Ebihara M |
(2016) Smelting Process Evidenced by δ66Zn
Hublet G, Debaille V, Doucet LS, Greenwood RC, Yamaguchi A, Mattielli N & Ebihara M |