All abstracts by Matthew Newville at Goldschmidt2016
(2016) An Oxygen Fugacity Profile of the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Adelaide Fold Belt, Australia
Goodarzi P, Berry A, Newville M & Tappert R |
(2016) Sulfate Reduction and Zinc Isotope Fractionation Observed Using a Flow-Through Cell and in situ XAS Analysis
Jamieson-Hanes J, Shrimpton H, Veeramani H, Ptacek C, Lanzirotti A, Newville M & Blowes D |
(2016) Radiation-Induced Oxidation of Fe in Hydrous Basalt Glasses
Cottrell E, Lanzirotti A, Kelley K, Newville M, Birner S, Davis F, Mysen B & Botcharnikov R |