All abstracts by Alexander Sobolev at Goldschmidt2016
(2016) Evidence for Neoarchean Hydrous Deep-Mantle Reservoir Provided by Abitibi Komatiites
Sobolev A, Asafov E, Gurenko A, Arndt N, Batanova V, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schoenberg D & Krasheninnikov S |
(2016) Relationship between Large Igneous Provinces and Kimberlites of the Siberian Craton
Sobolev N, Sobolev A, Tomilenko A, Kuzmin D, Batanova V, Logvinova A, Kostrovitsky S, Yakovlev D & Tolstov A |
(2016) A Hydrous Mantle Reservoir in the Paleoarchean?
Asafov E, Sobolev A, Gurenko A, Batanova V, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Krasheninnikov S, Wilson A & Byerly G |