All abstracts by Masaharu Tanimizu at Goldschmidt2016
(2016) Historical Development of 138Ce/142Ce Analysis and Applications of La-Ce Isotope Systematics
Tanimizu M, Asahara Y & Tanaka T |
(2016) Mn-Cr Systematics of D’Orbigny Revisited
Yamashita K, Tanimizu M, Yoneda S, Tomioka N & Nagao K |
(2016) Distributions of Nickel, Copper and Zinc Isotopes in the North Pacific Ocean
Takano S, Uehara W, Shin K-C, Hirata T, Tanimizu M & Sohrin Y |
(2016) Japanese Peat Records of Atmospheric Deposition of Artificial Radionuclides (J-Peat): Impacts of Fukushima Accident and Implications for Radiochronology
De Vleeschouwer F, Le Roux G, Sonke J, Van Beek P, Souhaut M, Pourcelot L, Masson O, Guarriaran R, Hughes P, Piotrowska N, Tanimizu M & Hotes S |