All abstracts by Scott Fendorf at Goldschmidt 2005
(2005) Poisoning of Iron Biomineralization by Surface Compositional Changes
Borch T, Masue Y & Fendorf S |
(2005) Stimulated Migration of Arsenic and Uranium by Reductive Transformation of Iron
Tufano K, Stewart B, Herbel M & Fendorf S |
(2005) Discerning Geochemical and Biogeochemical Metal Reduction Through Gamma Sterilization
Bank T, Jardine P, Ginder-Vogel M, Fendord S & Baldwin M |
(2005) Arsenic Mobilization Influenced by Iron Reduction and Sulfidogenesis
Kocar B, Tufano K, Masui Y, Stewart B, Herbel M & Fendorf S |
(2005) Uranium Hydrogeochemistry of the Hanford Caliche Layer
Mayes M, Pace M, Fendorf S, Jardine P & Yin X |
(2005) The Fleeting (Bio)availability of Ferrihydrite
Hansel CM & Fendorf S |
(2005) Insitu Biological Reduction of Uranium within Fractured Saprolite
Ginder-Vogel M, Wu W, Gu B, Carley J, Nyman J, Criddle C, Jardine P & Fendorf S |
(2005) Soft X-Ray Spectromicroscopy Study of Chemical Heterogeneities in Iron Precipitates Formed at or Near Bacterial Cells
Yoon TH, Borch T, Benzerara K, Fendorf S, Tyliszczak T & Brown Jr. GE |
(2005) Arsenic Mobilization in Mine-Impacted Sediments
Toevs G, Polizzotto M, Morra M, Strawn D, Fendorf S & Bostick B |
(2005) Reduction and Retention Processes within Arid Subsurface Environments
Ginder-Vogel M, Borch T & Fendorf S |
(2005) Variscan Moho beneath the French Massif Central: A Xenolith Perspective from Puy Beaunit
Demaiffe D, Femenias O & Berger J |