All abstracts by Ruben Kretzschmar at Goldschmidt 2002
(2002) Micro-Scale Pb Distribution and Oxidation in a Shooting Range Soil
Vantelon D, Lanzirotti A, Aeschlimann B, Guenther D, Scheinost A & Kretzschmar R |
(2002) Spatial and Temporal Variation of Zn Species in the Rhizosphere of a Contaminated Soil
Scheinost AC, Kretzschmar R, Newville M & Sutton S |
(2002) Formation and Dissolution of Zn-Precipitates during Reactive Transport in a Circum-Neutral Soil
Kretzschmar R, Voegelin A, Pfister S, Barmettler K & Scheinost A |
(2002) Factors Influencing the Vertical Pb Distribution in a Shooting Range Soil
Xifra I, Knechtenhofer L, Scheinost AC & Kretzschmar R |
(2002) Metal Sorption and Aggregation in Kaolinite-Fulvic Acid Dispersions
Heidmann I, Christl I & Kretzschmar R |
(2002) Fast Ligand Controlled Goethite Dissolution Kinetics Under Non-Steady State Conditions in the Presence of Siderophores and Oxalate
Reichard PU, Kretzschmar R & Kraemer SM |
(2002) Production and Isolation of Phytosiderophores
Frazier S, Reichard PU, Kretzschmar R & Kraemer SM |