All abstracts by Suzanne Y. O'Reilly at Goldschmidt 2000
(2000) Tracking Magma Mixing: In situ Hf-Isotope Analysis of Zircons
Griffin WL, Wang X, Jackson SE, Pearson NJ, O'Reilly SY & Xu X |
(2000) Basalts as Probes of Global Convection and Regional Geochemical Domains in the Mantle beneath Australia
O'Reilly SY & Zhang M |
(2000) In situ Analysis of Highly Siderophile Elements and Re-Os Isotopes by LAM -ICPMS and LAM-MC-ICPMS Reveals the Residual and Mobile Nature of Mantle Sulfides
Alard O, Griffin WL, Lorand J, Pearson NJ & O'Reilly SY |
(2000) Os Isotope Systematics of the Massif Central Mantle Lithosphere: In situ and Whole-Rock Studies
Alard O, Pearson NJ, Reisberg L, Lorand J, Griffin WL & O'Reilly SY |