All abstracts by Guillemette Ménot at Goldschmidt2017
(2017) Response of Biomarkers to Abrupt Climatic Changes during the Last 25, 000 Years in Western Europe
Davtian N, Ménot G, Fagault Y & Bard E |
(2017) Evaluation of Biases Affecting GDGT Proxies and their Consequences for Lacustrine Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction in Lake Saint Front (France)
Martin C, Ménot G, Thouveny N & Bard E |
(2017) Evidence of bomb-36Cl in 3 Lake Aquifer Systems in Lake Chad Basin
Poulin C, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Vallet-Coulomb C, Bouchez C, Mahamat-Nour A, Bichara L, Guinbe A, Doumnang J-C, Ménot G, Stieglitz T & Sylvestre F |