All abstracts by Jennifer Macalady at Goldschmidt2017
(2017) Novel Microbial Communities in Subglacial (Dark) Permafrost
Macalady J, Mankoff K, Lutz S & Benning L |
(2017) Cometabolic Stimulation of Anaerobic Coal Bioconversion Using a Phenanthrene-Degrading Enrichment
Nguyen U & Macalady J |
(2017) Elucidating the Role of Chemolithotrophic Sulphide-Oxidizers in the Formation of S(0) Deposits
Henri P, Chan C, Macalady J, Webb S & Steele A |
(2017) Microbial Architects of Anastomosing Cave Wall Patterns in Frasassi, Italy
Cardman Z, Lovrinic S, Schaperdoth I, Mainiero M, Mariani S & Macalady J |
(2017) Fate of Zero-Valent Sulfur in a Sulfidic Aquifer
Clark C, Polerecky L & Macalady J |
(2017) Chemistry Versus Biology – “True” and “False” Biosignatures Formed Through Biomineralization and Organomineralization Processes
Cosmidis J, Templeton A, Benzerara K, Skouri-Panet F, Duprat E & Macalady J |
(2017) Isotopic Spatial Patterns as Biosignatures
Mansor M, Macalady J & Fantle M |