All abstracts by Richard Wirth at Goldschmidt2017
(2017) UHP-Uht Melting and Diamond Formation
Kotkova J, Fedortchouk Y, Wirth R, Whitehouse M & Jakubová P |
(2017) Ophiolites as Archieves of Recycled Crustal Material Residing in the Deep Mantle
Yang J, Robinson P, Dilek Y & Wirth R |
(2017) Solid State Transformation of Green Rust in Response to Oxidation
Eiby S, Tobler D, Voigt L, Yin Z, van Genuchten C, Jensen K, Stawski T, Wirth R, Benning L, Hansen HC, Stipp S & Dideriksen K |
(2017) Hydrous Silicates within Black Cloudy Zone in Diamonds
Logvinova AM, Wirth R & Sobolev NV |
(2017) Trace-Element Fractionation Processes between Carbonates and Silicates at Mantle Conditions
Biedermann N, Appel K, Spiekermann G, Morgenroth W, Pakhomova A, Wirth R & Wilke M |
(2017) Fluid Driven Sp3-To-Sp2 Transformation in Carbon at 1300K and 1GPa: Experimental Studies
Dobrzhinetskaya L, Xia G, Wirth R, O'BANON E, Shi F & Green H |