All abstracts by Yoan Germain at Goldschmidt2019
(2019) Hydrothermal Iron Budget at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Diving Inside the TAG Neutrally Buoyant Plume
González-Santana D, Cheize M, Planquette H, Whitby H, Gourain A, Holmes T, Germain Y, Cathalot C, Pelleter E, Fouquet Y & Sarthou G |
(2019) What Happens to Hydrothermal Sediment? A Diagenetic Study along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Pastor L, Rouxel O, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Cheron S, Hubert M, Djedjroh Y, Cathalot C, Pelleter E, Roussel E, Cambon Bonavita M-A & Menot L |
(2019) Geochemical Mass Balance during Hydrothermal Alteration of Subseafloor Volcanic Rocks at Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc
Rouxel O, Schlicht L, Kutovaya A, McDermott J, Samin A, Djedjroh Y, Germain Y & Leroy L |
(2019) Copper Isotope Systematics of Hydrothermal Sediments from TAG and Snake Pit Fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Djedjroh Y, Rouxel O, Cathalot C, Pastor L, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Leroy L, Cheron S, Pelleter E & Cambon MA |