All abstracts by Fanny Thibon at Goldschmidt2021
(2021) Lithium Isotopes in Marine Food Webs
Thibon F, Weppe L, Bustamante P, Oberhänsli F, Metian M, Churlaud C, Montanes M, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Telouk P, Cherel Y & Vigier N |
(2021) Lithium Isotopic Composition of Biological Reference Materials and Automated Li Separation Using PrepFAST MCTM
Weppe L, Thibon F, Montanes M, Telouk P, Viscardi A & Vigier N |
(2021) Exploring the Role of Environmental and Ecological Parameters on Lithium Isotope Composition of Marine Carbonates
Chen D, Thibon F, Weppe L, Felbacq A & Vigier N |
(2021) Biological Fractionations of Lithium Isotopes
Vigier N, Thibon F, Bustamante P, Counillon L, Metian M, Telouk P & Team I |