All abstracts by Ludovic Ferriere at Goldschmidt2023
(2023) Albitic Jadeite and Majorite in L6 Ordinary Chondrite Northwest Africa 4137
Effraimidou S, Baziotis I, Xydous S, Sanchez-Valle C, Berndt J, Klemme S, Ma C, Hu J, Ferriere L & Asimow PD |
(2023) A Volcanological Approach to Better Understand Impact-Related Aggregated Particles: Constraints from the Chicxulub Proximal Ejecta Blanket
Feignon J-G, Kaskes P, Goderis S, Ferrière L, Ledésert B & Claeys P |
(2023) Search of Paleo-Atmospheric Signatures in Impactites from the 380 Ma-Old Siljan Impact Structure (Sweden)
Cattani F, Avice G, Ferriere L & Alwmark S |
(2023) ATTARIK Foundation: A Moroccan Initiative for the Promotion of Meteoritics and Planetary Science in Morocco and Abroad
Chennaoui Aoudjehane H, Arif S, Baratoux D, Rochette P, Ferriere L, Jadid F, El Hachemi EM, Zennouri L, Ould Mohamed Naviee EC, Berrada O & Aoudjehane M |