All abstracts by Frédéric Moynier at Goldschmidt2023
(2023) Isotope and Trace Element Composition of Biogenic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) Formed by Cyanobacteria
Mehta N, Coutaud M, Bouchez J, Van Zuilen K, Bradbury HJ, Moynier F, Gorge C, Skouri-Panet F & Benzerara K |
(2023) Zinc, Copper and Calcium Isotopic Composition of Ryugu’s Samples
Moynier F, Paquet M, Dai W, Yokoyama T, Hu Y & Yurimoto H |
(2023) Copper Isotope Compositions Measured Using the Collision/Reaction Cell (CRC)-MC-ICP-MS Sapphire
Luu T-H, Peters D, Gérard Y, Lahoud-Heilbronner E & Moynier F |
(2023) Volatile-Depletion Processing of the Building Blocks of Earth and Mars Recorded by Stable Potassium Isotopes
Hu Y, Moynier F & Yang X |
(2023) Planetary Formation and Evolution Through the Lens of Zinc and Copper Isotopes
Savage PS & Moynier F |
(2023) Origin of Oldhamite in Enstatites: Evidence from Ca Isotope
Dai W, Moynier F & Siebert J |
(2023) Origin of Moderately Volatile Element Depletion on Differentiated Bodies: Insights from the Evaporation of Indium from Silicate Melts
Liu D, Moynier F, Siebert J, Sossi PA, Hu Y & Kubik E |
(2023) Iron and Zinc Isotopic Evidence for Fluid Infiltration in Eclogite Breccias at Monviso, Italy
Goliber SFB, Starr P, Inglis E, Agard P, Locatelli M, Dragovic B, Paquet M, Moynier F & Baxter EF |
(2023) Cadmium Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle Derived from Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalts and Komatiites
Devos G, Moynier F, Creech J, Liu D, Luu T-H, Rigoussen D, Puchtel IS & Bizzarro M |
(2023) Origin and Abundances of Volatiles on Mars from the Zinc Isotopic Composition of Martian Meteorites
Paquet M, Sossi PA & Moynier F |
(2023) Zirconium Isotopes Reveal Continental Crust Recycling into the Mantle
Tian S, Moynier F, Jackson MG & Inglis E |
(2023) Baseline of Rubidium Isotopic Composition in Mice Organs
Rigoussen D, Moynier F & Wang B |
(2023) Rubidium Isotopic Compositions of Angrites Controlled by Extensive Evaporation and Partial Recondensation
Wang B, Moynier F & Hu Y |
(2023) Impact of Aging on Copper Isotopic Composition in the Brain
Lahoud-Heilbronner E, Moynier F, Mahan B, Rigoussen D & Le Borgne M |
(2023) An Isotope Metallomics Characterization of Samples from the Australian Imaging, Biomarker & Lifestyle Flagship Study of Ageing, and ab Initio Calculations of K Isotope Fractionation in Biological Systems
Mahan B, Nestmeyer M, McCoy-West AJ, Moynier F, Lahoud-Heilbronner E, Fowler C, Bush A & Study A |
(2023) Refractory Element and Titanium Isotope Constraints on Volcanic Parent Material Variability and Elemental Mobility in the Critical Zone
Grant KE, Deng Z, Rigoussen D, Garcia MO, Chadwick O, Moynier F & Derry L |
(2023) Tracking Granitic Magma Origin and Evolution Using Stable Silicon Isotopes in Zircon
Guitreau M, Gannoun A, Deng Z, Chaussidon M, Moynier F, Barbarin B & Marin-Carbonne J |
(2023) Origin of the Volatile Elements of Primitive Achondrites and Iron Meteorites Revealed by Zinc Isotope Anomalies
Fang L, Moynier F, Paquet M, Kubik E, Barrat J-A & Chaussidon M |
(2023) Triple Silicon Isotope Insight to the Formation of Precambrian Cherts
Sun H, Chaussidon M, Robert F, Tian S, Deng Z & Moynier F |