All abstracts by John M. Eiler at Goldschmidt2015
(2015) Insights into Mechanisms of Nitrous Oxide Generation from Measurement of Nine N2O Isotopologues
Magyar P, Orphan V & Eiler J |
(2015) SHRIMP-Si (18O/16O) Analyses of Goethite: Technical Aspects and Applications to Paleoenvironmental Studies
da Silva Monteiro H, Vasconcelos PM, Ireland T, Farley K, D'Avila J, Miller H, Eiler J & Southam G |
(2015) Evolution of Natural Gas Resevoirs Using Site-Specific Carbon Isotopes
Piasecki A, Eiler J & Lawson M |
(2015) Seconds after Impact: Insights into the Thermal History of Tektites
Stolper E, Macris C, Badro J, Asimow P, Zhang Y & Eiler J |
(2015) The Clumped Isotope Geochemistry of Dolomite and Calcite in Contact Metamorphic Environments
Lloyd M, Eiler J & Nabelek P |
(2015) The Clumped-Isotope Geochemistry of Marble Exhumation
Ryb U, Eiler JM, Farley KA, Lloyd MK & Stolper DA |
(2015) Molecular Isotopic Structures: Advances, Opportunities and Hurdles
Eiler J, Dallas B & Lloyd M |
(2015) Position-Specific Carbon Isotope Analysis of Amino Acids by High-Resolution Gas Source IRMS
Dallas B, Eiler J & Sessions A |
(2015) The Potential of Methane Clumped Isotopes to Constrain Formational Environments of Natural Gas Deposits
Stolper D, Eiler J, Sessions A, Valentine D, Martini A, Davis C, Formolo M, Lawson M, Ferreira A & Santos Neto E |
(2015) The Clumped and Position-Specific Isotope Geochemistry of Higher Order (C2+) Hydrocarbons
Eiler J, Clog M, Lawson M & Piasecki A |
(2015) Evidence for a Role of Slab Fluids in the Oxidized Nature of Arc Basalts
Brounce M, Kelley K, Cottrell E, Eiler J & Stolper E |