All abstracts by Nicholas Arndt at Goldschmidt2015
(2015) Unique Structures and Relict Mineral Associations in Komatiites from the Barberton Greenstone Belt as Revealed from the ICDP Drilling
Wilson A, Arndt N & Coetzee G |
(2015) Hf and Nd Isotope Systematics of Early Archean Komatiites from the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Blichert-Toft J, Wilson A & Arndt N |
(2015) Erosion of Archean Continents: The Nd-Hf Isotopic Record of Barberton Sedimentary Rocks
Garçon M, Carlson R, Shirey S, Arndt N & Horan M |
(2015) Elevated H2O and Cl Contents in Komatiite Melts from Abitibi and Belingwe
Asafov E, Sobolev A, Gurenko A, Arndt N & Batanova V |
(2015) Formation of Massive Sulfides by Magma-Sediment Interactions: The Noril’sk-Talnakh Case-Study
Iacono-Marziano G, Gaillard F, Ferraina C & Arndt N |
(2015) Continent Growth: Creation vs. Preservation
Arndt N, Davaille A & Condie K |