All abstracts by Csaba Szabó at Goldschmidt2015
(2015) Insight into the Evolution of Lithosphere beneath Pannonian Basin Through Studying H2O Content in NAMs from Füzes-Tó Upper Mantle Xenoliths (Hungary)
Pintér Z, Kovács I & Szabó C |
(2015) Geochemical Signatures of Spinel Peridotite Xenoliths from the Northernmost Locations of the Pannonian Basin
Liptai N, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL, Pearson NJ & Szabó C |
(2015) Geochemical Modelling of Mantle Metasomatism in Wehrlite Xenoliths from the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Carpathian-Pannonian Region)
Patkó L, Klébesz R, Aradi LE, Liptai N, Bodnar RJ, Cesare B & Szabó C |
(2015) Combined HR-Raman and FIB-SEM Analyses of Carbonate Melt Inclusions from Kerimasi Jacupirangite (Tanzania)
Káldos R, Guzmics T, Váczi T, Baris A, Berkesi M, Szabó C, Havancsák K & Dankházi Z |
(2015) Chemical Durability of Lead and Alkali Glazes in H2SO4 Solutions
Baricza Á, Bajnóczi B, May Z, Tóth M, Szabó M & Szabó C |
(2015) Raman Spectroscopic Behavior of Nitrogen in CO2-rich Fluid Inclusions of Mantle Xenoliths
Berkesi M, Kaldos R, Park M, Szabo C, Torok K, Nemeth B & Czuppon G |
(2015) Fluids, Melts and Minerals in Pannonian Peridotites – Quantitative Petrography Using Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography
Creon L, Rouchon V, Rosenberg E, Youssef S, Guyot F, Szabo C, Tafforeau P & Boller E |
(2015) Mantle CO2 Fluxes to the Pannonian Lithosphere Inferred from Mantle Xenolith Investigation
Creon L, Delpech G, Rouchon V, Szabo C, Asimow PD, Antoshechkina PM, Ghiorso MS & Guyot F |
(2015) Heterogeneity of the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Western Part of the Pannonian Basin
Aradi LE, Hidas K, Klébesz R & Szabó C |
(2015) Possible Link between Wehrlitization of Upper Mantle and Electrical Conductivity Anomaly beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
Klebesz R, Novak A, Patko L, Liptai N, Wesztergom V & Szabó C |
(2015) Experimental Study of the CO2 Saturated Water – Clay System at 70-180 Bars and 80-100℃
Sendula E, Páles M, Kovács I, Udvardi B, Kónya P, Besnyi A, Freiler Á, Péter Szabó B, Király C, Székely E, Szabó C & Falus G |
(2015) Importance of Melt Inclusions in Study of Carbonatites: Insight into Kerimasi Melt Evolution
Guzmics T, Káldos R, Zajacz Z, Mitchell R & Szabó C |
(2015) Results of Caprock and Reservoir Studies in the Mihályi-Répcelak Area, Western Hungary
Király C, Szamosfalvi Á, Sendula E, Kovács I, Kónya P, Szabó C & Falus G |